This was our first baby & we decided to wait to find out the gender. I started pregnancy yoga with Tessa during my 2nd trimester & was completely new to it. We were in national lockdown at the time so classes were over Zoom, but this made me feel comfortable & relaxed. I loved the fact that I was with other expectant mums & we were all together- something I hadn’t experienced so far, due to lockdown. I looked forward to the class as it was ‘me time’, when I could feel truly connected to my baby. It was an hour where it was just us.
I experienced quite a lot of pelvic pain in my 3rd trimester & yoga really helped with stretches & relaxation. My partner & I had been having hypnobirthing classes, where we learnt about having a positive birth and how breathing techniques can help through labour. I found yoga the perfect time to practise this & visualise the positive birth that we wanted. Initially, we planned a water birth at Blackburn Birth Centre & I’d decided that I didn’t want to be offered any pain relief.
Labour started at home & we created a calm environment using candles, essential oils & positive affirmations. I practised my breathing techniques as each contraction came & we waited as long as possible before we went to the birth centre. When we got there I was 7cm dilated. At this point I got in the water & continued to use my breathing exercises, along with the gas and air, to ease the contractions. A few hours later, my labour was not progressing fast enough & I was moved to hospital via ambulance. During the journey I was away from my partner, which was scary, however I remained as calm as I could by using the invaluable breathing techniques I’d learnt through yoga.
Not long after my partner & I were reunited on the birth suite, our baby boy was born. Skin to skin was not possible straight away, as he was having difficulty breathing but after a few minutes, he was in my arms & I fell instantly in love. We decided to call him Bobby. I had always planned on breastfeeding & straight away Bobby knew what to do.
I’ve already recommended yoga to my best friends & definitely believe yoga had a positive impact on me & the birth of my baby boy.
