We had the most magical & amazing labour and get all the feels reminiscing back on it. We FULLY and whole heartedly credit that to Hypnobirthing (with Jennie) & Yoga (with Tessa).
Before starting Hypnobirthing we had genuine fear of a natural birth, to the point we were considering an elective section. After only the first session of Hypnobirthing, we were both excited & eager to try for a natural birth.
The pregnancy yoga helped prepare my body well for labour, as well as me feeling comfortable in how to help baby move to/from the most conducive positions throughout labour. I honestly think that me NOT lying down, and staying fully upright & active throughout labour helped baby girl wriggle down.
Our story - a chilled Sunday morning of ironing & planning where to go for tea for a Sunday roast…to wondering if the small wet patch on the bed that morning could have perhaps been my waters. So blaze and chill, we were like nah it won’t be, but let’s ring triage & check. Triage asked us to go hospital for a test to confirm if my waters had gone or not - we planned that after the test (presuming it would be negative) we would then go on to the restaurant for our Sunday roast. The test then came back positive & we were mind blown! My husband nipped up to Tesco to get us some snacks & fresh cold water (cravings) and I just got all giddy waiting for him to come back & get the ball rolling.
Once he was back, we had a big fuel up of food for energy & then naively tried to start watching Money Heist on Netflix to pass time & keep us distracted (we got about three minutes in before the contractions ramped & we needed to focus). We both fully went into the zone with feelings of excitement, empowerment & strength. We went WELL into our own zone, literally felt like there was just us in the world - the midwife commented later that she felt a little like a spare part as we were just doing our own thing. I stayed active throughout - swapping & changing different upright positions and being consciously aware not to lay down and defeat gravity.
Next thing we knew after 3.5hours of active labour, our 9.5lbs baby girl was in our arms, all perfect, safe & healthy. And that was the start of our new life, our whole new world & whole new purpose. ”Tessa Clemson Yoga - your yoga studio in Great Harwood, serving Hyndburn, Blackburn with Darwen, Ribble Valley & Burnley“